Saturday, August 14, 2010

Northern Lights Readers Corner:

Malika's Message for August 13 2010: Mother Earth gave this message in meditation to pass along to all of you at this time:

Take time to enjoy the beauty and magnificence of my kingdoms, for they reflect back to you the magnificence of your own essence. Receive the golden Light of the Creator into your Heart as it flows down to my core. Allow the golden light of the balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to laterally intersect the Creator's Light in your Heart. Know that you are One with me and my kingdoms, you are One with each other, and you are One with the Universe. - Mother Earth

We are please to have Malika Von Meister, gifted Clairvoyant and Energy Healer join us. Malika will be doing readings and energy sessions at Northern Lights every Saturday 12 noon - 5 pm and midweek by appointment. (for a midweek appointment please call 24 hr in advance)
Intuitive Readings can reveal:
  • Messages from your Spirit Guides
  • Angels and the Ascended Masters
  • Healing energy work - Reiki
  • Defining your Life Purpose
  • Twin Flame and Relationships
Malika books up quickly so please call to set up your appointment.  (970)229-9167 
Readings with Malika 1 hour $75.00 , 1/2 hour $40.00
Bio:Malika Von Meister is a clairvoyant spiritual healer, Reiki master and minister ordained by Dr Bill Bauman founder of the World Peace Organization. She offers energy healing, chakra readings and clearing, past life, twin flame and ascension work as well as animal communication readings. Her passions include working with the Ascended Masters and the animal kingdom and helping her clients understand their true life purpose. "Realizing one's own divinity and divine life purpose creates a life of contentment and bliss." mvm