Saturday, December 24, 2011

Introducing New for 2012 from

The Pranava Energy Activated -   7 Gem Chakra  Energy Generator Disk
 The Pranava Energy Activated Shree Yantra Crystal Energy Generator

7 Gem Chakra  Energy Generator Disk
7 crystal points spiraling from Crystal Cone in center.
size:  aprox. 4 inch diameter 

Gem Stones used for 7 Chakra Points: 
Root Chakra = Red Jasper
Sacral Chakra = Peach Aventurine
Solar Plexus Chakra = Moonstone
Heart Chakra = Green Aventurine
Throat Chakra = Sodalite
Third Eye Chakra = Lapis Lazuli
Crown Chakra = Amethyst
1st Root Chakra-  Stability, grounding, physical energy, will, security  : 
Stone: Red Jasper enhances responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. 

2nd Sacral ChakraCreativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion, intuitionStone:  Peach Aventurine -  Peach aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. 

3rd Solar Plexus Chakra - Intellect, ambition, personal power, protection.
Stone: Moonstone - Moonstone is said in crystal healing to help calm responses and avoid overreaction; enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. Cleanses negativity from all Chakras.

4th Heart Chakra - Love, compassion, universal conscoiusness, emotional balance.
Stone: Green Aventurine -  Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. 

5th Throat Chakra - Communication center, expression, divine guidance.
Stone: Sodalite - Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications.

6th Third Eye Chakra -  Spiritual awareness, intuition,  psychic ability, light.
Stone: Lapis Lazuli -  Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition, creativity, virility and manifestation. It strengthens the mind and body as well as increasing awareness and spiritual connection/evolution. 

7th Crown Chakra - Enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, energy, perfection 
Stone: Amethyst - Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone. It works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. 

 The Pranava Energy Activated Shree Yantra Crystal Energy Generator

The Yantra Angle

It is not surprising that the ancient Indian Saints or Rishis (monks or gurus) were fully aware of the miraculous power of the Pyramid and its geometry. Many temples have adapted a Pyramid-like design in construction of the building and roof of the main sanctum. Prior to this, the Rishis (spiritual saints) used the calculations and geometry of a more advanced Pyramid design in creating various energy generators known as “Yantras”.
The most powerful of them all is the SHREE YANTRA, which from the scientific angle was very similar to and was indeed a kind of Pyramid.
Yantras date back to over 3000 years old tantric tradition. A yantra is the yogic equivalent of the Buddhist mandala. The Sri Yantra is a configuration of nine interlacing triangles centered around the ‘bindu’ (the central point of the yantra), drawn by Superimposing five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti - the female energy and four upright triangles, representing Shiva - the male energy. These form a multi-level tier and the apex acts as the point of generator.
Miniature versions of Shree Yantra and Pyramids are now being used very effectively for balancing the “Chakras” in the human body, Vaastu corrections, Astrology, Colour Therapy, Spiritual Meditation and Medical Healing.
In India, it is quite common to find homes having a Pyramid roof top more towards the centre of the home (known as Bramhasthana in Vaastu) as it is supposed to act as a “Bio cosmic generator’ for the entire house.
Adapting designs with proper dimensions and angles in creating Pyramids on rooftops of homes or gardens, placing energy generators in the form of small Pyramids made of copper at specific weak energy locations and placing the Shree Yantra in strategic position in the common area of the home or altar, can enhance the positive energy fields in a premise and increase the comfort levels of the occupants.Bio Geometry studies of the effect of structures and dimensions on the human occupants living within, analyzing their energy levels and watching how the structures affects their behaviour patterns, responses and health. This is very similar to feng shui/Vaastu and in effect is an essential aspect of feng shui investigation as well.
What is energy?Here we come to the question: What is energy about and how does it affect the lives of occupants living within a structure? The scientific definition of energy is the ability to produce an effect. So our feelings, thoughts and vitality are all energy. The structures and the environment, including the décor and furnishings of any premise affect energy, so a harmonious shape and supportive structure and environment ensure good flow of energy so the effect then is good, in and around the occupants.
Bio GeometryEverything in nature has shape and everything has energy.
 Bio Geometry deals with a very specific kind of relationship between shape and energy. Shapes are said to bring balance into energy fields.
The impact of geometrical shapes on human energy has always been universally recognized, yet this awareness gradually disappeared so that prior to the revival of interest in feng shui, the “modern” approach to ancient structures was limited to seeing them merely as symbolic art. There was little interest in examining the  function of their shapes or dimensions. 
Excerpted from "Feng Shui World (November/December 2007)"

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