Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chakra & Yoga Meditation Workshop Saturday Jan 8th

Going Deeper with the Chakras
Chakra & Yoga Meditation Workshop
 led by Terese Shanley & Paula Krueger
on Saturday, January 8, 2011 from 11 am to 2 pm
Register at:
 Northern Lights Wholistic Books and Gifts
220 E Monroe Dr, Ft Collins, CO  80525
970 229-9167
Cost: $88.00 pre-registered by Jan 6th,
 $95.00 after Jan7th

With Yoga postures, pranayama breathing, and aroma therapy, you will be guided in a meditational experience to more deeply explore each chakra and connect with the Divine. To conclude the experience, we will be doing a lengthier crown chakra meditation, assisted by crystals provided by Northern Lights.  The space will be using is a few doors to the east of the store.
Resolve to nurture yourself this year. Begin the New Year with a deep & lasting journey into the Self.

Terese is a Registered Nurse & certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher since 2005 and who also studies Anusara Yoga, concentrating on corrective alignment & deep openings of the heart with a genuine passion for the body/mind/soul connection. 
Paula has her Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa and has taught numerous meditation classes featuring Shamatha (Tibetan Buddhist) the Inquiry method (exploring the emotions) and guided meditation. Paula also does readings at Northern Lights on Sundays.

Come breathe, expand and be nurtured. 
Call Northern Lights Bookstore to reserve your enrollment at 970-229-9167. 
 Bring yoga mat, 3 blankets, journal & pen! 

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